K Beauty Institute

Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Institute with Our Team of Professional Instructors

K Beauty Institute is the first beauty institute registered in Hong Kong to become a cosmetology organization member of IFBC (The International Federation of Beauty Culturist). IFBC is a leading international organization which receives support from Korean government to contribute to the development of the latest beauty techniques. K Beauty Institute is accredited by IFBC as an internationally ISO-certified educational institution and was the first branch established in Hong Kong by KSH Korean Beauty Education Center.

Our Korean semi-permanent makeup course is taught by our professional and well- qualified instructors. We assist students to quickly master Korean professional techniques of semi-permanent makeup (including colouring of eyebrows, eyelines, lips, scalp and hairline). We also teach advanced medical semi-permanent makeup techniques for the areola and scar area. Moreover, we offer professional courses about skincare skills, hoping to provide all-round trainings to students. K Beauty Institute is passionate to assist students get professional qualifications in the most efficient way, thereby students could become specialists in the semi-permanent makeup field.

Introduction of Professional Instructors

Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Professional Diploma Course

Activities Shot

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【九月快訊】K BEAUTY🍂半永久化妝迎秋優惠‼️


逐漸踏入秋季,K BEAUTY 在九月份為您準備各項半永久化妝優惠!令您時刻保持美麗!另外,早前國際模特兒 Samantha Staynings 到 K BEAUTY 找 Joi 總監及 Janey 老師做半永久化妝療程,Samantha 在完成療程後,大讚效果「Super Natural!」
Samantha 作為國際模特兒,出席大型活動或需要拍攝任何廣告硬照時,一定需要化全妝,但她原本的高低眉問題,令她每次化妝都要花心機畫好雙眉,十分花時間!
《4D Combo眉》主打自然,素顏妝感,非常有氣質!Samantha 的輪廓原本已經深邃,再加上完成《4D Combo眉》五官更加精緻!
由Joi 總監為Samantha做《4D Combo眉》療程,Janey 老師為 Samantha 完成《立體眼線》療程。

聽聽 Samantha 完成療程後的真實分享!


半永久化妝除了是貪靚女士的恩物之外,亦是忙碌女性的恩物,節省化妝之外,每日上班去街自然明豔動人!在九月份,K BEAUTY 為各顧客繼續推出半永久化優惠!
1️⃣ 任選一項半永久化妝項目,即享9折;或
2️⃣ 參加兩項以上半永久化妝項目,即可85折。


K BEAUTY 旗下診所的《脫疣療程》全程由醫生主理,確保安全放心!




K BEAUTY 旗下診所的《脫疣療程》適用於大部份醫療保險(包括門診小手術,公司保險),全程由醫生主理,確保安全放心!


脫疣優惠向 K BEAUTY 查詢!


早前因為疫症緣故,K Beauty Medical Group 停業咗一段時間,但 Janely Chau 珍妮 老師👩🏻‍🏫嘅生活係💨無停過,係10年前,珍妮老師出版咗《Cozy Kitchen🍱便當篇》,將平日煮俾囝囡👦🏻👧🏻嘅午餐輯錄成書,俾各位媽媽👩🏻有多一個idea煮野食😋今次珍妮老師將書入面菜式拍✨還原!每個餸嘅煮法同準備材料🥬🥦🥕非常簡單,希望以最方便又好味方法煮俾小朋友食!大家要多多💪🏻支持珍妮老師,等佢有更多動力拍更多《Cozy Kitchen🍱便當篇》!

Click 入睇片!

【更多限時優惠!追蹤K BEAUTY專頁!】

K Beauty Medical GroupK Beauty Institute


1️⃣ 全單滿 $5,000,即獲贈抗疫禮物一份;
2️⃣ 全單滿 $10,000,即獲贈抗疫禮物一份及送一次Pico Enlighten 美白去斑療程(價值$4,000);

.得獎者可以選擇禮品到付或就臨 K BEAUTY 領獎。
.如有任何爭議,K BEAUTY Medical Group 保留最終決定權。

👍🏻K BEAUTY Facebook:

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