K Beauty Institute

Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Institute with Our Team of Professional Instructors

K Beauty Institute is the first beauty institute registered in Hong Kong to become a cosmetology organization member of IFBC (The International Federation of Beauty Culturist). IFBC is a leading international organization which receives support from Korean government to contribute to the development of the latest beauty techniques. K Beauty Institute is accredited by IFBC as an internationally ISO-certified educational institution and was the first branch established in Hong Kong by KSH Korean Beauty Education Center.

Our Korean semi-permanent makeup course is taught by our professional and well- qualified instructors. We assist students to quickly master Korean professional techniques of semi-permanent makeup (including colouring of eyebrows, eyelines, lips, scalp and hairline). We also teach advanced medical semi-permanent makeup techniques for the areola and scar area. Moreover, we offer professional courses about skincare skills, hoping to provide all-round trainings to students. K Beauty Institute is passionate to assist students get professional qualifications in the most efficient way, thereby students could become specialists in the semi-permanent makeup field.

Introduction of Professional Instructors

Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Professional Diploma Course

Activities Shot

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要守住年輕,要決係提塑立體輪廓!Ultherapy®輪廓拉提療程,唯一獲美國FDA 認證無創非侵入式拉提技術,比傳統聚焦超聲波更安全、持久、有效!
2️⃣改善皮膚鬆弛:眼袋 / 法令紋 / 嘴角紋 / 雙下巴
4️⃣改善皺紋:額頭 / 眼睛 / 嘴唇四周/頸部的皺紋
Ultherapy™將聚焦的超聲波直接送達皮膚底層,形成最佳温度的「熱點」,啟動身體自然反應- 膠原蛋白新生(neocollagenesis) ,刺激膠原蛋白再生,對抗歲月和地心吸力對皮膚的影響;過程中單靠自身的膠原蛋白增生機能,便有效達到自然而明顯的效果。
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