K Beauty Institute

Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Institute with Our Team of Professional Instructors

K Beauty Institute is the first beauty institute registered in Hong Kong to become a cosmetology organization member of IFBC (The International Federation of Beauty Culturist). IFBC is a leading international organization which receives support from Korean government to contribute to the development of the latest beauty techniques. K Beauty Institute is accredited by IFBC as an internationally ISO-certified educational institution and was the first branch established in Hong Kong by KSH Korean Beauty Education Center.

Our Korean semi-permanent makeup course is taught by our professional and well- qualified instructors. We assist students to quickly master Korean professional techniques of semi-permanent makeup (including colouring of eyebrows, eyelines, lips, scalp and hairline). We also teach advanced medical semi-permanent makeup techniques for the areola and scar area. Moreover, we offer professional courses about skincare skills, hoping to provide all-round trainings to students. K Beauty Institute is passionate to assist students get professional qualifications in the most efficient way, thereby students could become specialists in the semi-permanent makeup field.

Introduction of Professional Instructors

Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup Professional Diploma Course

Activities Shot

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Q & A 做眉常見問題

Q & A 做眉常見問題

2年或以上,要視乎顏色深淺。 深色會持久些,但現今流行自然,所以有些客人喜歡一年補色一次。

以前的永久紋眉像做紋身一般,顔色只有黑色及落針的層次較深入真皮層,做後會結焦,效果非常持久,一般2、30年左右。 以下便是近代流行的做眉方式~半永久紋繡,一般在表皮層的第三層落針,皮膚正常不會流血,較為安全,效果一般維持2至5年左右,視乎顏色深淺及力度大小而定。

1. 獨家3D 繍眉完成後即自然、不結焦、不深色,適合任何人仕。(Joi 老師主理)
2. 飄眉是在皮膚上造出仿真眉毛(線條), 適合有眉毛而改眉型人仕。
3. 霧眉完成後像化了眉妝,5天脫色後像眉粉刷眉,很自然,適合任何人仕。如選擇深色少許可更持久。
4. 飄加霧眉,適合眉頭或尾較少眉毛人仕,上色後再加仿真眉毛效果,完成後會有少許深色,但5天脫色後便自然。
5. 眉粉眉或粉霧眉,用最新韓國色素及工具,效果與霧眉相似。

一般第一次補色大約6-8 星期左右,然後最好係在4-9個月內。


不痛,會先塗上舒緩膏 ,而且我們的手法非常輕,所以不痛,可能有些客覺得好似俢眉般的感覺。

如太深色或不滿意眉型的話,可先用laser 洗2-3次;如已經淺色那可不用洗,可以用黃色或橙色先打底然後再上新色。

做眉前後有什麼要注意的? 做眉後最好不要曬太陽,因皮膚底層會較易紅及敏感;盡量不修眉,可讓我們看到原來的眉形。
-會供應repair cream 早晚塗1次,為持4天左右。